Is your Social Media Content engaging? | Font & Swatch
Podcast on how to improve your social media content engagement

Is your Social Media Content engaging?

How to Make Digital Media More Effective – Is Your Content Engaging?

Are you doing post after post and getting little engagement?

Today, digital media platforms are full of content to keep your audience engaged. If you are not investing time to create engaging content in advance then you are wasting valuable time and money. Engaging content not only increases the interaction with your audience, it is also proven to materially increase the ROI received from your marketing campaign.

So how do I ensure my content is engaging? All content is unique to your audience but there are some basic questions you should ask yourself:
1. Are you producing quality content? Have you invested time to prepare it in advance and is it part of a broader connected brand story
2. Is the content on Brand, in accordance with your Brand Tone and within your Brand Guidelines
3. Is it visually stimulating and will it capture attention in a noisey digital media environment
4. Is it Authentic and does it have a purpose
5. Is it presented from your Audience perspective, is it interesting to them, is it something they want to know and does it address a need or enrich them in some way; and
6. Are you posting to platforms that your audience use. They can’t engage if they aren’t there.

If you would like to know more, you can watch our 4Marketers Video here.

At Font & Swatch we are a specialist Branding Agency, if you would like to know more about the perfect application of your brand to engage your Audience and create truly engaging digital content, contact us at Font & Swatch.

First Contact: 0452 447 409
Already a Client: 0403 262 636

Suite 4.04, 76 The Borough
76A Edinburgh Rd
Marrickville NSW 2044

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