Don't Let A Lack Of Tone Of Voice Hold You Back | Font & Swatch
What is your Brans' Tone of Voice

Your Brand Needs Personality: Don’t Let An Absent Tone Of Voice Hold You Back.

Every single one of us has a unique personality that makes us who we are.

But did you know your brand also needs a unique personality as well? One that reflects the true value your business offers to your customers.

That’s right.

As a business, if you want to build genuine engagement with your audience, you need a clear and consistent brand tone of voice that resonates and connects with them on an emotional level.

Without one, your business is destined for a future of same-ness, struggling to stand out from the competition on anything except price, let alone attract more engagement and nurture them through your funnels.

But that is not the kicker.  The real value in adopting a clear and consistent tone of voice comes in reduced advertising and marketing costs and greater audience engagement.

What follows will be an insightful discussion about what a brand tone of voice is and why it’s so important to your business. We’ll also explore the concept of consistency in crafting a successful tone of voice before explaining how you can craft your own unique brand voice to rise above the noise and better engage with your target customers.

Let’s Start By Defining A Brand’s Tone Of Voice

Essentially, your brand’s tone of voice refers to how the character of your brand comes across visually, in your messaging, and in your actions and interactions with your customers.

In other words, it’s the way you communicate your brand’s value proposition and the impression that it makes on every person who sees or hears about it.

However, it’s important to recognise that your brand tone of voice is not just a single element of your branding. Rather, it’s the deliberate alignment of several key elements that come together to create overarching communication guidelines for you to adhere to.

Your tone is reflected in the way you collectively use your:

  • logo,
  • colour palette,
  • fonts,
  • elements,
  • imagery, and
  • copy

To create a singular consistent voice that your audience can instantly recognise.  Your brand’s tone of voice influences your audience’s perception of your business and pushes them to consciously & subconsciously build a connection with you.

Investing In Your Tone Of Voice Reduces Your Costs And Increases Your Customer Engagement?

In a nutshell, a well-defined and consistent tone of voice ensures that all the content and communications you produce as a brand are delivered in the same way.

Making your business recognisable over and over again is the fastest way to get your brand noticed time and time again!

By adopting this approach, your audience is better able to recognise your brand, and naturally gravitate towards it as they identify with your messaging and better understand the distinct and obvious value that you can offer them.

This helps to organically build a sense of connection, loyalty and trust with your audience that cannot be bought or manufactured in any other way.

Investing in your brand’s tone of voice positively impacts your customer engagement, and reduces the cost of your advertising and marketing because your audience is more in tune and open to your message.

Your Tone Of Voice Also Reflects Your Identity And Values

Defining your brand tone of voice also ensures that how you’re communicating is appropriate for the audience that you’re trying to target – based on your unique brand identity, personality and values.

If you’re a bubbly brand that likes to have a lot of fun, then your tone of voice needs to reflect that to engage the kind of customers you’re searching for. This may mean using bright colours, cheeky fonts and easily digestible language.

Being distinct and unique in this way depends upon a powerfully articulated Tone of Voice and is a fundamental pillar of market domination and disruption. It makes your brand’s identity and values (the foundations upon which you want to build) clear to everybody – both visually and verbally.

Without this consistency, you’ll create a disconnect between you and your audience that could prove difficult to rectify over time.

Let’s consider the importance of this consistency in more detail.

Let Your Tone of Voice do the Talking

Why Consistency Is The Key To A Memorable Tone Of Voice

As humans, it’s natural for us to make decisions based on emotion alone.

If we see a brand’s website, social media or physical collateral and immediately spot inconsistencies in their tone of voice, we’re highly likely to dismiss that brand entirely without actually diving any deeper to determine the value they can provide us.

Sometimes, when a brand’s Tone of Voice is particularly absent, we make the conscious decision to ignore them altogether.

That’s why consistency is so important.

Having a clearly defined tone of voice and brand personality helps to significantly improve a customer’s perception of your brand – making them far more likely to form an emotional connection and choose your business services over your competitors.

Consider A Brand Like Apple

When you go to Apple’s website, you expect that everything about it is going to represent the forefront of technology and innovation. From the products on offer to the way that the elements move around the page as you scroll down.

This is all part of a carefully curated Brand Identity and Voice, and it extends far beyond their website. When you order an Apple product, the way that it’s presented in its packaging gives you the same feeling as their website – a feeling of clean sophistication and well-considered design.

Now, imagine Apple started packaging their products in a plain brown cardboard box. This would represent a total disconnect from their brand tone of voice, and you’d start questioning whether you ascribe as much value to their products and services and your decision to trust Apple altogether.

After all, there are any number of phones on the market that:

  • take calls,
  • send messages,
  • take photos,
  • play music, and
  • work with apps. 

Yet more people are willing to pay a premium to purchase an Apple iPhone because they subtly communicate a feeling of value. That’s why the iPhone accounts for over 35% of the mobile phone market and Apple shipped over 230 million handsets in 2023.

This is the power that your brand tone of voice carries. That’s why it’s so pivotal to your business to ensure consistency in all communications and interactions with your customers.

So, How Can Your Brand Build Your Unique Tone Of Voice?

By now it should be clear – if you want your audience to engage with your brand, to stop competing on price and dominate the market as a result, you need a clear and consistent tone of voice.

At Font & Swatch Branding Agency, we help you to visualise your brand identity and value proposition to create a strong tone of voice that truly reflects your brand’s personality to your customers.

Font & Swatch Branding Agency Crafts Your Brand’s Tone Of Voice To Help You Build Deeper Connections With Your Audience

To achieve business success today and tomorrow, you need a reliable brand marketing partner that you can trust, with the expertise you can depend on. 

If you like what you see, give us a call, send us an email, follow us on our socials or come and see us at our Sydney Branding Agency.

An initial discussion is exactly what you need to set you on the course to success.

First Contact: 0452 447 409
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76A Edinburgh Rd
Marrickville NSW 2044

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